Dua to make him think of me is very suitable for making your husband/ boyfriend be attracted to you, think of you, and fall in love with you. More than that, this dua is helpful for making him miss you and call you whenever he thinks of you. This is why Nevidya provides you with duas to achieve your goal of making him think of you. The duas to make him think of me are dua for love and attraction, dua to make him miss me, dua to make him call me now, and dua to make him talk to me.
Dua for love and attraction to make him think of me
One of the reasons why you need to read dua to make him think of me is that it helps you to make your husband/boyfriend be attracted to you and love you. In order to get this dua answered, first you should make a Niyyah to make him be attracted to me and love me. Then, start reading the wazifas explained in the following.
Niyyah for love and attraction to make him think of me
Ar-Ra’oof, You are the only source of peace, love and affection in my life, so You are the only one who can be worth it to hear the dua for love and attraction. Al-Waali, I love him with all my heart and I’m always thinking of him because I think he is the right one for me. Al-Ahad, Let your holy spirit guide him to think of me and reveal things to him form your holy light so that he will be attracted to me and fall for me. Al-Muhyi, grant me wisdom to stay committed to my ultimate goal of making my husband/boyfriend think of me.
Surahs and wazifas for love and attraction to make him think of me
1- Perform wudu, first.
2- Next, recite Dorood E Sharif 11 times.
3- Then, read Surah Fatiha 15 times.
4- Again, recite Durood E sharif 11 times.
5- After that, blow on a candy and give it to him.
6- Keep doing this wazifa on Thursday nights for 21 days.
7- Finally, ask Allah to help him think of you and be attracted to you.
8- Inshallah, you will meet you Hajat and your husband/boyfriend will be attracted to you and love you.
Dua to make him think of me and miss me
One of the situations that you need to read the dua to make him think of me is when you want to make your husband/boyfriend think of you and miss you. To do so, you need to make a Niyyah, first, to make him think of you and miss you, then, read the following Quranic Surahs and verses based on the instructions explained later in this article.
Niyyah to make him think of me and miss me
Al-Mueed, today I bow before Your greatness and confess that there is no power beyond you to listen to the dua to make him miss me. Al-Ba’ith, I think about my husband/boyfriend and miss him because I want him to love me like before because I think he doesn’t think of me anymore. Al-‘Alee, please make things plain, clear, and easy to understand as he is away from me to distinguish right from wrong so that he can think of me and miss me as before. Al-Ghafoor, Grant me wisdom to make him think of me and love me again so that he will miss me. Al-Aleem, I will never be terrified or discouraged, as far as I have You by my side whenever I try to make my husband/boyfriend think of me and miss me.
Surahs and wazifas to make him think of me and miss me
1- First, perform ablution.
2- sit in a tidy place, preferably where you perform Namaz.
3- Next, recite “Ya Wadoodo-Ya Lateefu” 111 times.
4- Recite verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times while imagining that person.
5- In the end, ask Allah to make your husband/boyfriend miss you.
6- Inshallah, you will meet your needs very soon.
Dua to make him think of me and call me now
One of the reasons why we need to read dua to make him think of me is when you want to make your husband/boyfriend miss you and call you. So, lets make a Niyyah, first, to make him think of you and call you. Then, start reading the wazifas explained in the following.
Niyyah to make him think of me and call me now
Al-‘Aleem, thank You for listening to dua to make him call me now. Al-Mu’izz, I love my husband/boyfriend very much because I think he is the right one for me. Al-Aziz, I ask You to help him miss me and focus on me and our relationship so that he will think of me and call me. Al- Muhaymin, teach me to use the blessings of love and kindness that you have given me so that I can make him miss me and call me.
Surahs and wazifas to make him think of me and call me now
1. First, perform Isha Namaz in a tidy place.
2. Next, recite Allahuma Luka Bi Ismika 47 times.
3. Then, recite the following dua 15 times:
“Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a`yunin wa’j`alna li’l muttaqina imama”
4. In the end, read Durood E Sharif 7 times.
5. Women should pay attention not to read this dua during menstruation.
6. Regulary perform this wazifa for 20 days.
7. Inshallah, he will call you soon.
Dua to make him think of me and talk to me
One of the reasons why you need to read dua to make him think of me is that it helps you to make your husband/boyfriend talk to you. To read this dua, first, you have to make a Niyyah to make your husband/boyfriend talk to you and then start to read the wazifas as explained in what follows.
Niyyah to make him think of me and talk to me
AL-Barr, thank You for giving me the opportunity to read dua to make him talk to me. Almighty Allah, I love my husband/boyfriend and I want to talk to him because I feel loved when he calls me and talks to me. Al-Muqsit, help him to think of me and miss me from Your Holy Perspective and help him to focus on both our relationship and my love and compassion for him so that he will call me and talk to me. Al-Jaami’, grant me wisdom to know how to make him think of me and talk to me.
Surahs and wazifas to make him think of me and talk to me
1. First, take a shower.
2. Then, recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
3. After that, read the following dua 10 times:
“La Ilaha Illallah, Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu, Lahul-Mulku Wa Lahul-Hamdu, Yuhyi Wa Yumitu, Wa Huwa Ala Kulli Shai’in Qadir.”
4. Next, read Dorood e Ebrahimi 3 times.
5. Then, read verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times.
6. In the end, pray to Allah and ask Him to make him long for talking to you.
7. Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat quite soon.
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