Dua to make husband listen to wife is very suitable for melting your husband’s heart when you want him to be attracted to you and love you again. More importantly, this dua helps your husband to be kind and love his wife only. This is why Nevidya provides you with duas that help you achieve what you need to make your husband listen to you. The duas to make husband listen to wife include dua to melt husband’s heart, dua to attract husband, dua for husband to love his wife only, and dua for husband to be kind.
Dua to melt husband’s heart and make husband listen to wife
One of the reasons why you need to read dua to make husband listen to wife is that it melts your husband’s heart and makes him love you again. To get this dua answered, first you should make a Niyyah to melt your husband’s heart. Then, start to read the wazifas explained in the following.
Niyyah to melt husband’s heart and make husband listen to wife
Ar-Ra’oof, you are the only source of peace, love, and affection in my life, so you are the only one who can be worth it to hear my dua to melt husband’s heart. Al-Waali, I love my husband with all my heart and I’m always thinking about him because I think he is the best husband in the world. But, it makes me sad when he doesn’t listen to me and ignores my comments. Al-Ahad, Let your holy spirit guide him to feel my love and affection so that he will love me again. Al-Muhyi, grant me wisdom to stay committed to my ultimate goal so that I can melt his heart and make him fall for me.
Surahs and wazifas to melt husband’s heart and make husband listen to wife
1. First perform ablution.
2. Next, perform two ra’kats Nafil prayer.
3. Then, recite Dorood E Sharif 11 times.
4. After that, recite “Hasban Allahu wa ni mal wakeel” 100 times.
5. afterward, recite Durood-e-Tunjeena 40 times.
6. Finally, ask Allah to help your husband care about your feelings and listen to you.
7. Perform this wazifa for 7 days.
8. Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat and your husband will listen to you in no time.
Dua to attract husband and make husband listen to wife
One of the situations that you need to read the dua to make husband listen to wife is when you want to make your husband be attracted to you. To do so, you need to make a Niyyah, first, to make him be attracted to you and listen to what you say and, then, read the following Quranic surahs and verses based on the instructions explained later in this article.
Niyyah to attract husband and make husband listen to wife
Al-Mueed, today I bow before Your greatness and confess that there is no power beyond you to listen to my dua to attract husband. Al-Ba’ith, I respect my husband and I want him to love me and listen to me like before but he doesn’t care about my words. Al-‘Alee, please make things plain, clear, and easy to understand so that he can love me and be attracted to me again. Al-Ghafoor, enlighten him with Your Divine Wisdom so that I can show my husband how much I love him and respect him. Al-Kareem, help me impress my husband with my behavior in a way that makes him be attracted to me.
Surahs and wazifas to attract husband and make husband listen to wife
1. First, perform ablution.
2. Next, recite Durood e Shareef 3 times after Isha Namaz.
3. Then, repeat “Allahu Samad” 101 times.
4. Perform this wazifa every day for 10 days.
5. In the end, pray to Allah and ask Him to make your husband love you and be attracted to you.
6. Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat soon.
Dua for husband to love his wife only and listen to his wife
One of the goals of reading dua to make husband listen to wife is that it helps you to make your husband only love you. To get this dua answered, first you should make a Niyyah to make your husband love you and listen to you. Then, start to read the wazifas explained in the following.
Niyyah for husband to love his wife only and listen to his wife
Al-Baatin, you are the only source of love and affection in my life, so you are the only one who can help me and listen to the dua for husband to love his wife only. Al-Muqeet, I love him with all my heart and I always listen to his words but I think he doesn’t care about my ideas because he no longer loves me. Al-Ahad, Let your holy spirit guide him to be attracted to me and love me again. Al-Muhyi, grant me wisdom to communicate my commitment to make my husband love only me and nobody else.
Surahs and wazifas for husband to love his wife only and listen to his wife
1. Perform ablution.
2. Next, recite Durood Sharif 3 times.
3. Then, repeat “Ya Wadudo” 500 times while looking at the picture of your husband.
4. Again, recite Durood Sharif 3 times.
5. Perform this wazifa for 7 days.
6. Finally, ask Allah to make him love you and nobody else.
7. Inshallah he will love you again.
Dua for husband to be kind and listen to his wife
One of the benefits of reading dua to make husband listen to wife is when you want your husband to be kind and listen to you. Keep in mind that, to get this dua answered, you need to make a Niyyah to have a kind husband who respects you and listens to you. Then, read the related wazifas explained in what follows.
Niyyah for husband to be kind and listen to his wife
Thank you my Almighty Allah for allowing me to recite my dua for husband to be kind. Al-Adl, I love him and all I need is his love and kindness. Al-Lateef, Let him understand how much I love him so that he will improve his personality for the better and listen to me when I talk to him. Al-Wadud, grant me the knowledge to behave properly so that I can make my husband treat me with love and kindness.
Surahs and wazifas for husband to be kind and listen to his wife
1. First, perform ablution.
2. Preferably sit where you perform Namaz.
3. Next, recite Durood E Sharif 5 times after Isha Namaz.
4. Then, read Ayat Al Kursi 77 times blow on some sugar, and pour a small quantity of sugar in your husband’s teacup.
5. Perform this wazifa for 15 days.
6. In the end, ask Allah to make your husband treat you with love and kindness.
7. Inshallah, your husband will treat you kindly and listen to what you say.
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