In some families, fathers get angry and expect obedience from their children. In such cases, children lose their self-esteem and they won’t learn good moral values. One of the best ways to help your husband change his harsh behavior is by praying. You can ask the Heavenly Lord to bless your husband with His divine guidance and support so he will turn into an engaged, supportive, and caring father. As such, Nevidya introduces some of the most powerful prayers for your husband to be a kind and supportive father to his children. Prayer for my husband to be a good father includes intercessory prayer for my husband, midnight prayers for my husband, 25 prayers for my husband, and a short prayer for my husband.
Intercessory prayer for my husband
Holy Lord, bless my husband with Your wisdom and grant him Your grace so he can extend grace to our children. Dear Lord, I read this intercessory prayer for my husband and humbly ask You to bless him with peace and patience when he’s dealing with children.
O Lord, I pray that my husband never gets angry when he spends time with children. Holy Father, please help him to speak calmly and quietly even when he is tired of talking or playing with them. Heavenly Lord, I recite this prayer for my husband to be a good father to our children and pray that Your peace and guidance accompany him all the time.
Lord God, please protect him from the evil intentions of wicked people wherever he goes and never let him worry about future events. Merciful Lord, please help my husband enjoy every moment of his life and never let him regret the past.
Midnight prayers for my husband
O Lord, You are my protector. I always share my requests with You. Dear Lord, my husband is so kind and caring. Lord God, I humbly ask You to show me the ways I can always appreciate and cherish him.
Merciful Lord, I recite this prayer for my husband to be a good father sincerely and ask You to bless him with Your wisdom and help him to always be a supportive father to our children.
O Lord, please let Your blessings fill my husband’s life as You teach him Your ways. Dear Father, please help him understand how important he is for me and our children and fill his heart with Your love and peace as I read midnight prayers for my husband.
25 prayers for my husband
O Lord, thank You for listening to this prayer for my husband to be a good father. Loving God, help my husband to stay calm when he faces problems, and grant him Your vision so he can follow the right path.
Holy Lord, bless my husband with Your wisdom and patience so that he can respect my opinions and stay loyal to me as I read this prayer for him every single day. Merciful Lord, grant my husband Your love and faith so he will express his true feelings to our children.
Gracious Lord, bless my husband with Your guidance and show him how he can cultivate an intimate relationship with each child. Loving Father, please watch out for my husband all the time and help him communicate good words to our children so they will realize their father loves them.
(To read more prayers see 25 prayers for my husband.)
Short prayer for my husband
O Lord, thank You for listening to this short prayer for my husband. Loving God, help my husband not to be irrational when there’s a disagreement between our children.
Holy Lord, listen to me and bless my husband with Your wisdom and patience so he can listen to our children, respect their opinions, and learn how to appreciate them as I read this prayer for my husband to be a good father.
Merciful Lord, grant my husband Your love and peace so he will guide our children in Your Will. When it comes to disciplining our children, help my husband, Dear Lord, to do it justly and lovingly without anger or irritation.
O Lord, never let him use harsh words when children do something wrong. O Father, I pray that You teach, guide, and support my husband to be a dependable, communicative, and patient father for our children.
God’s blessings and favor are things we need to change our lives. For this to happen we have to do things that satisfy The Lord, and in return, He will grant us His blessings. Every day, recite the abovementioned prayers and ask God to accept your request. Also, recite the prayer for a miracle right now, and be sure that Almighty God will watch for your husband and your family in different situations.
Many clergies think the reason that prayers can bring success and prosperity is that they connect God’s power to us. On the other hand, scientists think it has inductive powers. Whatever the reason is, it is obvious that prayers are effective. So, Nevidya has offered many prayers for your husband. You just need to read the prayers, mentioned on each page of Nevidya. Follow the prayers you think you need more.
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Powerful prayer for my husband
Miracle prayer to save my relationship