Dua for blessings in marriage works for those times when you are tired of all hardships in your life and want to change your life for the better because this dua helps you to bring joy and blessing into your life. This is why Nevidya provides you with effective duas that help you to achieve what you need for blessings in marriage. The duas that we are going to share with you are dua for immediate marriage proposal, dua for bride and groom after marriage/nikah together, dua to strengthen marriage, and dua for happy life with husband.
Dua for immediate marriage proposal and blessings in marriage
One of the situations that make you need to read dua for blessings in marriage is when you want to make an immediate marriage proposal. Consider that in order to get this dua responded, you must first perform a Niyyah for immediate marriage proposal and then read the relevant wazifas stated later in this section.
Niyyah for immediate marriage proposal and blessings in marriage
O Allah, I confess that I am weak and humble in the face of your greatness, and I beseech you to hear and support my dua for immediate marriage proposal. Al-Waliyy, I fell in love with a wonderful person. He/she is exactly the type of person I always dreamed of, and I’d like to propose to my lover to marry me, so I need your assistance in this matter. Al-Mubdi, I trust you and humbly request that you shower my love with care and devotion and that you make him/her admire and value me so that when I propose, he/she will embrace and marry me. Almighty Allah, I pray that you allow me to be so confident and calm that I can attract my lover anytime I want.
Wazifas for immediate marriage proposal and blessings in marriage
1- First, take a shower.
2- Next, recite “Allah Hus Samad” 520 times.
3- Then recite Durood Shareef 5 times.
4- After reciting Durood Shareef, read the following dua 3 times
“Allahu qaafi waah neeh immaal waah aala hamdu qafiniyaal omaar tomaass romaanaty domantaas goddey kiife Jodi”
5- perform this wazifa for 10 days.
6- Insha’allah you will meet your needs soon.
Dua for bride and groom after marriage/nikah together with blessings in marriage
One of the reasons that make you read dua for blessings in marriage is when you send good wishes to the bride and groom after marriage/nikah. Keep in mind that, to get this dua answered, you need to make a Niyyah for bride and groom after marriage/nikah and then read the related wazifas explained later in this article.
Niyyah for bride and groom after marriage/nikah together with blessings in marriage
O my great Allah, everything in the world and everything that has been made, good or weak, has been created because of you, so I hope you can hear and fulfill my dua for bride and groom after marriage/nikah. Mr. Al-Azi I’ve recently married, and I want this marriage to be eternal and peaceful, so I’d like you to pour your grace into our hearts so that this newlywed couple will enjoy a blessed life. Al-Qayyoom, Please reveal to my love the affection he/she can have for me so that he/she will think about me most of the time. Al-Qadeer, please assist me in expressing my feelings whenever I face my partner, and grant me the wisdom to make a marriage that is filled with your grace and blessing.
Wazifas for bride and groom after marriage/nikah together with blessings in marriage
1- First, perform wuzu.
2- Next, fill a glass with water.
3- Then, recite “La ilaha illa Allah” 120 times with sincerity and concentration.
4- After that, recite Surah An-Nas 10 times
5- Do this wazifa for up to 20 days.
Dua for blessings in marriage to strengthen marriage
Another reason that makes you read dua for blessings in marriage is when you want to strengthen marriage. To do so, you must first make a Niyyah to strengthen marriage, then read a Quranic surah and obey the Islamic wazifas outlined below.
Niyyah for blessings in marriage to strengthen marriage
Heavens, my prayers have never been as important as the satisfaction I seek from you, so your satisfaction comes first, followed by a response to my dua to strengthen marriage. I want my marriage to be strong and prosperous, and I can’t believe that one day it might face difficulties like the others, so I need your support and assistance. Spirit of Holiness, I ask you to remind my partner that this union is more precious than everything else and that he/she must do everything in his/her power to improve it. Al-Mu’min, please help me to speak and behave in accordance with your wishes so that you can bless us.
Wazifas for blessings in marriage to strengthen marriage
1- First, perform isha Namaz
2- Next, send Salawat on Thursday after the Isha Namaz,
3- Then repeat “Al-Halim” 100 times.
4- After that, send Salawat 150 times.
5- Continue doing this wazifa for 15 days.
Dua for happy life with husband and blessings in marriage
Another situation that you may need to read dua for blessings in marriage is when you ask for happy life with husband. And to do so, first, you need to make a Niyyah for a happy life with your husband and then read quranic surah and following Islamic wazifas explained in the following.
Niyyah for happy life with husband and blessings in marriage
My great Allah, I pray that you will hear my dua for a happy life with husband and help me to achieve it in a way that will eventually lead to your satisfaction. Al-Mu’izz, my husband is a very nice guy, and I love him, but he is very busy, and I still feel depressed because of it, so I want you to bring happiness into my life. As-Samee’, make it easy for him to pay much more attention to me and spend more time with me so that we can live a happy and fulfilling life. Al-Haseeb, I’ve learned not to be afraid but to trust you when I need something, and now I need you to make me a good wife so that I can attract my husband and live a happier life full of blessings and pleasures.
Wazifas for happy life with husband and blessings in marriage
1- First, recite Ayat Al-Kursi 15 times.
2- Then, recite Verse 45 from Surah Taha 10 times
3- Next, write the Ayat 21 from Surah Fatir 6 times on a clean piece of paper.
4- After that, carry that paper with you for 10 days.
5- Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat.
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Dua for good relationship with husband