Dua for good relationship with husband

Dua for good relationship with husband is suitable for any couple who want to have a perfect marriage since this dua increases love between couples. This is why Nevidya is going to help you achieve what you need for a good relationship with husband. The duas for good relationship with husband are dua for relationship problems, dua to love his wife only, dua to increase love in husband’s heart, and dua to bring husband and wife closer.

Dua for relationship problems to have a good relationship with husband

One of the benefits of reading dua for good relationship with husband is that it helps you solve your relationship problems and get close to your husband. So, we are going to make a Niyyah to solve relationship problems so that you will have a good relationship with your husband and then offer you some quranic and Islamic surahs explained by their wazifas.

Niyyah for relationship problems to have a good relationship with husband

Al-Haqq, praise You for listening to my dua for relationship problems. Al-Wakeel, I apprehend that all relationships face some obstacles and that is natural but I ask You to reduce problems in our relationship. The Great Allah, I ask You to put my love and affection in his heart so that he cherishes me. Al-Mateen, help me to speak and behave in a way that helps us to have a good relationship.

Surahs and wazifas for relationship problems to have a good relationship with husband

1- First, you need to do ghusl to be clean.
2- Next, you should do Niyyah to have a good relationship with your husband
3- Then, you should start to read Verse 56 from Surah Baqara 5 times. (If it is difficult for you to read it you can only listen to it while others read it for you)
4- After that, start to read Verse 8 from Surah Baqarah 10 times.
5- Finally, you need to repeat 3 times that your intention is Halal

Dua for good relationship with husband to love his wife only

One of the reasons why we need to read dua for good relationship with husband is when we want the husband to love his wife only. And to read this dua, first, you need to make a Niyyah to make your husband love you and then read the instructions explained below.

Niyyah for good relationship with husband to love his wife only

AL-Barr thank You for allowing me to read my dua to make husband love his wife only. Almighty Allah, You know how much I love my husband and You know that all I need is to help me make my husband praise me like the first time when we met each other. Al-Muqsit, encourage him to see me as he used to and make him only love me and nobody else. Al-Jaami’, I demand You to help me become a thoughtful and charming woman so that my husband can never stop loving me.

Surahs and wazifas for good relationship with husband to love his wife only

1- First, perform ablution.
2- Next, sit where you perform Namaz.
3- Then, recite “Ya Wadoodo-Ya Lateefu” 78 times.
4- Recite verse 65 from Surah Al- Imran 21 times while imagining your husband.
5- In the end, ask Allah to help you meet your Hajat.

Dua for good relationship with husband to increase love in husband’s heart

Another reason why you need to read dua for good relationship with husband is when you want to make your husband fall in love with you again. And to do so, first, you need to make a Niyyah to increase love in your husband’s heart and then read the following quranic surahs and Islamic instructions illustrated in the following.

Niyyah for good relationship with husband to increase love in husband’s heart

Thank You, Allah, for listening to my dua to increase love in husband’s heart. Alaziz, I am aware that in a marriage sometimes one of the parties might feel less loved towards his/her spouse and I believe this has happened to me since I feel that my husband doesn’t love me like before. Al-Khaaliq, I trust you and poorly ask you to help him love me again and to guide him in a way that he will be attracted to me. Al-Aleem, I believe you will support me in developing my personality to be a better person.

Surahs and wazifas for good relationship with husband to increase love in husband’s heart

1- First, perform wuzu.
2- Then, Sit in a tidy place, preferably where you perform Namaaz.
3- Next, recite “Inna Allah Yusmiyu Mayyashao” 36 times.
4- After that, read Surah Fatir 8 times a day after Isha Namaaz (night evening prayer).
5- perform this wazifa for 7 days.
6- Finally, ask Almighty Allah to increase love in your husband’s heart and make him love you again.

Dua for good relationship with husband to bring husband and wife closer

One of the situations that you may need to read dua for good relationship with husband is when you want to bring husband and wife closer. To do so, let’s make a Niyyah to bring husband and wife closer and then read the wazifas as written in what follows.

Niyyah for good relationship with husband to bring husband and wife closer

Thank You Allah for permitting me to recite dua to bring husband and wife closer. Al-Baari, I believe that if I want to have a great relationship with my spouse I need to have him/her by my side but you know that we are apart due to some unfixed problems. Al-Fattaah, please irradiate your light to my spouse’s heart so that he/she would come back to me. Ar-Raafi, please assist me to change myself to a more desirable spouse so that he/she will miss me and seek ways to get closer to me.

Surahs and wazifas for good relationship with husband to bring husband and wife closer

1- First, perform wuzu
2- Next, recite “Kad Shaga Faha Hubban” 54 times.
3- Then, read Durood E Sharif 9 times.
4- After that, read Ayat 45 from Surah Nisa.
5- perform this wazifa for 18 days regularly.
6- Finally, ask Allah to help you meet your needs.

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