Dua to make someone marry you is very practical in making your lover propose to you and marry you. More than that, this dua can help you to start a successful marriage. And that’s why Nevidya is going to introduce some duas that will help you achieve what you need to make someone marry you. The duas to make someone marry you are dua to convince someone for marriage, dua to marry the person you want, dua to make someone love you, and dua for blessings in marriage.
Dua to make someone marry you to convince someone for marriage
One of the reasons for reading dua to make someone marry you is that it helps you to convince someone for marriage. And to do so, first, we need to make a Niyyah to convince someone for marriage and then read quranic surahs and Islamic wazifas explained in the following.
Niyyah to make someone marry you to convince someone for marriage
Al-Ahad, I confess that I am nothing before Your Grandeur, and I ask You to listen to a dua about convincing someone for marriage. I believe he/she is meant to be the right person for marriage. Holy One please help the acquaintance to come easily to my lover so that he/she can realize that I am the best person in his/her life. My loving Allah, grant me characteristics that make him/her feel peace and comfort with me in a way that he/she will be convinced to marry me. (To read more duas see dua to convince someone for marriage.)
Wazifas to make someone marry you to convince someone for marriage
1-First, you need to do ghusl to be clean
2-Next, you should do Niyyah to convince someone for marriage
3-Then, you must imagine your lover in front of you
4-After that, you should read Verse 65 from Surah Baqarah 10 times. (If it is difficult for you to read it, you can only listen to it while others read it for you)
5-Finally, you need to repeat that your intention to convince someone for marriage is Halal 3 times
Dua to make someone marry you to marry the person you want
One of the conditions that you may need to read dua to make someone marry you is when you want to marry the person you want. So, let’s make a Niyyah to marry the person you want and then read the dua and follow its wazifa as written below.
Niyyah to make someone marry you to marry the person you want
Thank You Allah for hearing a dua about marrying the person I want. Holy Spirit, I always prayed for a nice person for marriage. Al-Mubdi, I trust You and humbly ask You to provide him/her with insight toward me and our relationship so that s/he will decide to marry me. Almighty Allah, I hope you help me to develop a personality that makes him/her think of me and marry me. (To read more duas see dua to marry the person you want.)
Wazifas to make someone marry you to marry the person you want
1-First, start to read Verse 45 from Surah Nisa 2 times
2-Next, say” My Almighty Allah please help me to marry the person I want
3-After that read Dua’a as Simaat 2 times
4-Then recite “Ya Allahu Ya Fattahu” 220 times
5- Inshallah you will meet your Hajat
Dua to make someone love you and marry you
One of the reasons to read dua to make someone marry you is that it helps you to make someone love you. Keep in mind that, to get this dua answered, you need to make a Niyyah to make someone love you and then read the related wazifas clarified later in this article.
Niyyah to make someone love you and marry you
Merciful Allah, thank You for listening to dua about making someone love me and marry me. As-Salam, I’m lonely and this solitude hurts me. That is why I ask You to make the one I love adore me and respect me. Great and Awesome Allah, help me to speak and act in a way I can make him/her love me and marry me. (To read more duas see dua to make someone love you.)
Wazifas to make someone love you and marry you
1-First recite Ayat Al-Kursi 100 times.
2-Next, write Verse 31 from Surah Ra’d 89 times on a clean piece of cloth and have that cloth with you for 21 days
3-Then, write Surahs Al-Fatihah on a piece of paper and put them in your bag or pocket
4-Finally, you should always carry the paper with you every time you leave during the day.
5-Inshallah, you will get what you want
Dua to make someone marry you for blessings in marriage
One of the intentions to recite dua to make someone marry you is that it is effective for blessings in marriage. And to read this dua, first, you have to make a Niyyah for blessings in marriage and then start to read the wazifas as described in this article.
Niyyah to make someone marry you for blessings in marriage
Al-‘Aleem, You are the most Powerful Creator and I thank You for paying attention my dua for blessings in marriage. Al-Mu’izz, I love getting married and I want my marriage to be successful. Al-Aziz, I ask You to help him/her respect my feelings and come to a decision about marrying me. Al- Muhaymin, teach me to be the best lover for him/her so that he/she adores me. (To read more dua see dua for blessings in marriage.)
Wazifas to make someone marry you for blessings in marriage
1-First send Salawat on Friday after the Morning Namaz
2-Next, repeat Al-Halim 260 times.
3-After that close your eyes and whisper your Hajat.
4-Finally, read Ayah 21 from Surah Room one time
5-Perform this wazifa every Friday for 2 months
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