Prayer for my wife poem

Reciting prayers for your wife increases trust and intimacy in your relationship. And, if you read prayers through poems, you let her realize how much you love and cherish her. You can recite a variety of different love prayers for her and be sure that the Lord God listens to you and strengthens the bonds of intimacy in your relationship. Hence, Nevidya offers some of the best poems you can read for your wife when you are by her side. Prayer for my wife poem consists of a short love…

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My wife is a blessing from God

“My wife is a blessing from God!” You may come up with this idea so many times when you think of how loving, caring, and kind your wife is. And, the best way to be thankful of your wife is to prayer for her today and everyday. One of the benefits of praying for your wife is that you can strengthen both your faith and marriage. Hence, Nevidya is going to share with you some powerful prayers in this regard. “My wife is a blessing from God” consists of a…

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Prayer for a new wife

Prayer for a new wife grants you the strength to love, cherish, and honor your wife forever. When you get married, it’s very important to hold fast to your vows and reciting a prayer in this regard would be of great help because this powerful prayer helps you to be a patient and kind husband for your wife. Hence, we are going to offer you some prayers for a new wife here, in Nevidya. Prayer for a new wife includes a prayer for my wife in Islam, prayer for my…

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Morning prayer for my wife

Sometimes you ask the Lord God to grant your wife His mercies and blessings all through the day and protect her from life’s unpleasant sensations and cater to her needs. “Morning prayer for my wife” helps you pray for your wife and wish her a fruitful day full of blessings. As such, we are going to share with you some powerful morning prayers for your wife here, in Nevidya. “Morning prayer for my wife” consists of a prayer for my wife in Islam, prayer for my wife’s protection, 25 prayers for…

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Prayer for my wife at work

Prayer for my wife at work is so effective and helps your wife to find delight in every aspect of her job. Moreover, this powerful prayer gives her creativity and excitement as she starts working. Thus, we are going to share with you some of the most powerful prayers for your wife here, in Nevidya. Prayer for my wife at work includes a prayer for my wife in Islam, prayer for my wife in difficult times, prayer for my wife to sleep, and prayer for wives and mothers. Our hope…

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