Dua to make someone crazy in love

Dua to make someone crazy in love is useful when you want to make someone crazy in love with you and marry you. This dua is also helpful for making someone miss you when s/he thinks of you and wants to talk to you. So, this is why we decide to offer you some powerful duas to make someone mad in love, here, in Nevidya. The duas for making someone crazy in love include dua to make someone marry you, dua to make someone think of you, dua to make someone miss you, and dua to make someone talk to you.

Dua to make someone crazy in love with you and marry you

One of the situations that you may need to read dua to make someone crazy in love is when you want to make him/her marry you. So, let’s make a Niyyah to make him/her marry you and, then, read the wazifas as written in the following.

Niyyah to make someone crazy in love with you and marry you

Al-Haqq, thank You for listening to dua to make someone marry you. Al-Wakeel, I love him/her because it makes me feel alive and happy when I’m by his/her side. That is why I ask You to put my love and affection in his/her heart so that s/he will love me, too. Al-Mateen, help me to speak and act in a way that makes him/her propose to me after s/he falls in love with me.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone crazy in love with you and marry you

1- First, take a shower.
2- Next, pour some rose water into a spray bottle and freshen up your room.
3- Then, recite “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times.
4- Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
5- After reciting Dorood Shareef, read the following dua 10 times:
“Allahu qaafi waah neeh immaal waah aala hamdu qafiniyaal omaar tomaass romaanaty domantaas goddey kiife Jodi”
6- Finally, ask Allah Talah to put your love in the heart of the person you want.
7- Perform this wazifa for 21 days.
8- Inshallah, that person will come and confess his/her love to you quite soon.


Dua to make someone crazy in love with you and think of you

One of the reasons why we need to read dua to make someone crazy in love is when you want to make him/her think of you very often and miss you. Keep in mind that, to get this dua answered, you need to make a Niyyah to get someone think of you and then read the related wazifas explained later in this article.

Niyyah to make someone crazy in love with you and think of you

Thank You Allah for hearing my dua to make someone think of you. Al-Waliyy, I always think of him/her when I miss him/her, but I think s/he doesn’t think of me as much as I do. Al-Mubdi, I trust You and humbly ask You to provide him/her with insight toward me and our relationship so that s/he will be impressed by having someone think of him/ her like me. Almighty Allah, I hope You help me to develop a personality that makes him/her think of me.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone crazy in love with you and think of you

1- perform wudu.
2- Recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
3- Then, read verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times while thinking of him/her.
4- Finally, pray to Allah to make him/her crazy in love with you and think of you.

Dua to make someone crazy in love with you and miss you

One of the benefits of reading dua to make someone crazy in love is when you need to make him/her miss you when you are away. To do so, you need to make a Niyyah to make someone miss you first, and, then, read the wazifas as explained below.

Niyyah to make someone crazy in love with you and miss you

Thank You Allah for allowing me to read dua to make someone miss you. Al-Aziz, I love him/her so much and that’s why I miss him/her most of the time. Al-Qayyoom, Please reveal the love that s/he should have toward me so that s/he can think of me and miss me. Al-Qadeer, please help me to control myself and my emotions whenever I miss him/her and grant me knowledge so that I can make him think of me and miss me.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone crazy in love with you and miss you

1. First perform wudu.
2. Next, recite the following dua 5 times after each prayer (Namaz) for 7 days:
“Hasbi-allahu la ilaha illa Huwa ‘alaihi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rab-bal ‘arshil ‘azeem”
3. Then, Recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
4. In the end, ask Allah to help you meet your needs.
5. Inshallah, s/he will think of you and miss you.

Dua to make someone crazy in love with you and talk to you

Another benefit of reading dua to make someone crazy in love is that it helps you to make him/her talk to you. And to read this dua, first, you have to make a Niyyah to make someone talk to you and then start reading the wazifas as explained in what follows.

Niyyah to make someone crazy in love with you and talk to you

AL-Barr, thank You for giving me the opportunity to read a dua to make someone talk to you. Almighty Allah, I love him/her and I want to talk to him/her because I think s/he is the best companion for me. Al-Muqsit, help him/her to start a relationship with me from your holy perspective and help him/her to focus on finding the true path to love me so that s/he will talk to me. Al-Jaami’, grant me wisdom to learn how to make him/her talk to me.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone crazy in love with you and talk to you

1. First, take a shower.
2. Then, recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
3. After that, read the following dua 10 times:
‘La Ilaha Illallah, Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu, Lahul-Mulku Wa Lahul-Hamdu, Yuhyi Wa Yumitu, Wa Huwa Ala Kulli Shai’in Qadir’
4. Next, read Dorood e Ebrahimi 3 times.
5. Then, read verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times.
6. In the end, pray to Allah and ask Him to make him/her long for talking to you.
7. Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat very soon.

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