If you are looking for a dua to make someone miss you, this article can be helpful bacuase it provides you with a solution to this problem. Keep in mind that you must recite these duas with absolute certitude otherwise, they won’t work. In what follows you will find duas to make someone miss you.
Dua number 1
Here is the dua to make someone miss you. you can recite this dua 3 times a day with wholeheartedly, then send Salawat on prophet (PBUH). You should repeat this wazifa every day. The dua that should be recited is Ayat 165 of Surah Baqarah.
Dua number 2
The second dua to make someone miss you can help you to make someone remember you, too. dua to make someone remember you is as follows:
• Prepare 41 black peppercorns.
• recite Surah Quraysh four times for each peppercorn.
• then ask Allah to make him/her miss you.
• now put the peppercorns in the fire and take them out after a minute.
• perform this wazifa for up to 7 days.
Dua number 3
The third dua to make someone miss you is also suitable to make someone think of you. Dua to make someone think of you is surah Yusuf in the Holy Quran. This dua should be recited every day and after that recite the following dua 303 times. you will meet your Hajat, Inshallah.
“Allahummar zuqni hubbaka wa hubba man yyan-fa’ani hubbuhu ‘indaka”.
Dua number 4
The fourth dua to make someone miss you could be used to get someone back in your life, as well . Dua to get someone back in your life is as follows:
After morning Namaaz, mix a small amount of rose water and saffron and then write ayat 10 of surah Qasas on a piece of paper with this mixture. Hide this paper in your bedroom and the person you want to get back in your life will arrive soon, Inshallah.
Dua number 5
The fifth dua to make someone miss you is also great when you want to make someone love you. The dua to make someone love you should be recited as follows:
• Perform wuzu firs.
• Fill a glass with water.
• Sit while making dua and hold the glass in your hand.
• Say “La ilaha illa Allah” 340 times with utmost attention and sincerity.
• Then recite Surah Fatiha 7 times
• Drink that water after the end of Surah.
• Do this for up to 21 days. Inshallah s/he will fall in love with you.
As we said at the beginning, these duas will make someone miss you. It is also important to use these duas for Halal Niyyah and try not to have evil intentions for anyone because you may face with painful consequences afterwards. In the end, we hope that by reciting these duas to make someone miss you, you can meet your needs, Inshallah.
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