Dua to make someone think of you is beneficial to make someone realize your importance and think of you most of the time. It also helps you to make him/her miss you when s/he thinks of you. Moreover, this dua makes that person fall in love with you. This is why Nevidya introduces some duas that help you in this regard because by reciting these duas you can make him/her think of you. The duas that we explain in this article are dua to make someone think of you, dua to make someone realize your importance, dua to make someone miss you, and dua to make someone fall in love with you.
Dua Number 1
To recite dua to make someone think of you, you should first make a Niyyah to make him/her think of you when you miss him/her. Then, start to read the following wazifas.
• Make wudu.
• Recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
• Recite the following dua 7 times after each Nammaz (prayer):
“Wa Tammat Kalimatu Rabbika Sidkan Wa Adlal La Mubaddila Li Kalimatu Wa Huwas Sami’ul Aleem”
• Perform this wazifa for 10 days.
• In the end, ask Allah to help you achieve the desired result. Inshallah, s/he will always think of you.
Dua Number 2
One of the situations that you need to read dua to make someone think of you is when you want to make him/her realize your importance. To recite dua to make someone realize your importance, you need to make a Niyyah, first, to make him/her realize your importance. Then, read the following quranic surahs and verses as explained below.
• Perform wudu.
• Recite the ayat 9 of Surah Tawbah 200 times after each Namaaz (prayer) for 21 days. Here is the mentioned dua:
Hasbi-allahu la ilaha illa Huwa ‘alaihi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rab-bal ‘arshil ‘azeem
• Be patient and consistent. Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat quite soon.
Dua Number 3
The third dua to make someone think of you can help you to make someone miss you, as well. To recite dua to make someone miss you, you should first make a Niyyah to make him/her miss you. Then, read the wazifas explained in what follows.
• Perform wudu.
• Take a shower.
• Next, recite the ayat 286 of Surah Al-Baqarah 200 times in the moerning. Here is the mentioned ayat:
Rabbana la tu’akhidhna in-nasina aw akhta’na
• Then, recite “Ya lateefu” 1100 times while thinking about him/her.
• Do this wazifa regularly for 10 days.
• In the end, ask Allah to fulfill your needs. Inshallah, s/he will miss you and looks forward to contacting you.
Dua Number 4
The fourth dua to make someone think of you can help you to make someone fall in love with you, too. To do so, you need to make a Niyyah, first, to make him/her fall in love with you. Dua to make someone fall in love with you is shared as quranic surahs and verses. Be mindful that you should recite it with sincerity based on the instructions (wazifas) explained below.
• Perform wudu.
• After each Namaaz (prayer) recite the following dua 10 times:
“Minal Abdidh – dhaleel IIal Mawlal Jalee”
• Then, recite Durood Shareef 10 times.
• Do this wazifa regularly for 15 days and then sleep in the same place where you have performed this wazifa.
• In the end, ask Allah to help you meet your Hajat. Inshallah, s/he will fall in love with you.
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