Dua to stop divorce is advantageous for couples to fix their problems because this dua would prevent them from being separated. This dua is also beneficial for families who are on the verge of divorce and want to find a rational way to reconcile. This is why Nevidya adds several duas to assist you in this respect, and by reciting these duas, you have the opportunity to stop divorce. The duas to stop divorce are dua to repair marriage, dua to strengthen marriage, dua to reconcile between husband and wife, and dua to increase love between husband and wife.
Dua to repair marriage and stop divorce
Reading dua to stop divorce is one way to repair marriage. In order to do so, you must first perform a Niyyah to repair marriage, then read a Quranic surah and perform the Islamic wazifas outlined below.
Niyyah to repair marriage and stop divorce
Thank You, Al-‘Aleem, for receiving my dua to repair marriage. You know how much I love and want to keep my marriage, Al-Mu’izz, but this marriage is on the verge of divorce due to a slew of problems, and I want to put a stop to it. Al-Aziz, I insist that you make my spouse do everything in his/her power to resolve issues between us so that our marriage can last forever. Al- Muhaymin, grant me the wisdom to think clearly and act responsibly so that I can rebuild this marriage and avoid divorce in order to live a healthy and happier life.
Wazifas to repair marriage and stop divorce
1- First, Start by reciting Durood e Ibrahimi 7 times.
2- Next, read Verse 5 from Surah Bakara 2 times.
3- Then, Recite Surah Yaseen from the beginning up to the third Mubeen.
4- After that, recite Surah Fatir 10 times.
5- Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat quite soon.
Dua to strengthen marriage and stop divorce
Another way to stop divorce is by reciting dua to strengthen marriage. And to do so, first, you need to make a Niyyah to strengthen marriage and then read quranic surah and following Islamic wazifas explained in the following.
Niyyah to strengthen marriage and stop divorce
I humbly request you, Al-‘Aleem, to hear my dua to strengthen marriage. Al-Mu’izz, you are all-knowing and all-powerful to see that my life is on the brink of divorce, and I beseech you to use your power to aid me in living a strong and peaceful life. Mr. Al-Aziz, I beg you to help my spouse and show him/her the right way of living so that we can end the divorce and get back together. Al- Muhaymin, I beg you to grant me wisdom so that I can solve all of my problems and live a better life.
Wazifas to strengthen marriage and stop divorce
1-First, Perform wuzu
2- Next, recite “La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu mina z-zalimin” 410 times
3- Then, recite verse 14 from Surah Hud.
4- After that, recite Dorood E Sharif 5 times.
5- Finally, Keep doing this wazifa on Friday night for 10 days.
Dua to reconcile between husband and wife and stop divorce
One of the reasons why you need to read dua to stop divorce is when you want to reconcile between husband and wife. Keep in mind that, to get this dua answered, you need to make a Niyyah to reconcile between husband and wife and then read the related wazifas explained later in this article.
Niyyah to reconcile between husband and wife and stop divorce
‘Al-‘Aleem,’ I am grateful for all of your blessings, and I humbly request that you hear my dua to reconcile between husband and wife. Al-Mu’izz I understand that there are problems with all relationships, but my marriage is experiencing a lot of struggles and challenges, which is leading us to divorce and breakup. Mr. Al-Aziz, I request you to teach my partner the correct path and assist him/her in behaving appropriately while speaking with me so that we can have one more chance to reconnect and live a happier life. Al-Baseer, I am sure that you can help me repair my marriage so that my partner and I can reconcile and avoid divorce.
Wazifa to reconcile between husband and wife and stop divorce
1- First, perform morning Namaz in a tidy place.
2- Next, recite Allahuma Luka Bi Ismika for 65 times.
3- Then, read Surah Nas 10 times after Isha Namaaz (night prayer).
4- After that, recite “Allah Hus Samad” 12 times
5- Insist on doing this wazifa for 5 days.
Dua to increase love between husband and wife to stop divorce
Another reason why you need to read dua to stop divorce is when you want to to increase love between husband and wife. Keep in mind that in order to have this dua addressed, you must first perform a Niyyah to increase love between husband and wife, followed by reading the relevant wazifas discussed later in this post.
Niyyah to increase love between husband and wife to stop divorce
Al-Jabbar. I am nothing in comparison to your greatness and excellence, and you are the only one who can hear my dua to increase love between husband and wife. Al-Adl, I adore my partner and admire him/her with all my bones, but I have the impression that he/she does not adore me in the same way that I do. Al-Lateef, Allow my spouse to realize how much I admire him/her and open his/her heart to me so that my lover will appreciate me even more than before. Al-Fattah, I am certain that you will always assist me in developing my character in order to maximize my spouse’s love for me.
Wazifas to increase love between husband and wife to stop divorce
1- First, take a shower and wear your clean and light clothes.
2- Next, Start this wazifa from Monday night.
3- Then, recite the following dua 52 times:
“Allahumma layyin qalbi fulan binti fulan kama layyintil hadidi li sayyidina Da`ud alayhis `salam”
4- After that, recite Verse 52 from Surah Al-Anfal
5- Continue doing this wazifa for 18 days.
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