Nowadays, one of the most important and main concerns of people is economic issues. There are many people who are not satisfied with their living conditions. It is also common for people to supply their needs arduously and to be less patient, and everyone tends to gain money quickly and to become rich. One way that can be very helpful and effective is through dua. We can find the dua to get money immediately in the Qur’an or the words of the Fourteen Innocent Ones. If you are also looking…
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Miraculous dua to become rich and famous
We know that many people have a desire to achieve fame and fortune. This desire can be due to being accepted by other human beings because this feeling is very satisfying and pleasing. People trust and respect humans who have fame and money more, and all of this leads to this desire in that humans. God is aware of the feelings and needs of His servants and has always determined the way for His servants to reach them. Whether in the Qur’an or the lives and words of the Innocent.…
Read MoreSurah waqiah to become rich
There are many ayahs and surahs in the Holy Quran that reading will increase sustenance and cause to gain more wealth. But in the meantime, one of these surahs is more experienced and famous than the others, which the infallible, as well as the saints and people close to God, have mentioned more. In this article, we intend to mention surah waqiah to become rich, and also to tell you about the surah waqiah benefits, which have been obtained from the narrations of the Infallibles. So follow the passage to…
Read MoreSurahs for wealth, success and prosperity
What is surah for wealth increase? What is surah for wealth and success? what is surah for wealth and prosperity? It is a wise choice to look for wealth, succeed and prosperity in Surahs of holy Koran since there are many Surah for wealth and success as well as surah for wealth and prosperity. In fact you can use Koranic surahs to make yourself rich and wealthy since Allah has mentioned several times in Koran that God is bounty and he bestow it on whom he pleases as he said…
Read Morepowerful dua to get rich in 5 days – get absolute results
Many resources on the internet recommend that their readers shouldn’t look for a powerful dua to get rich in 5 days to earn money for Worldly or mundane purposes why what’s wrong with that? What wrong is with getting rich and using blessings of God to have a better life and thanks him? [16:114] Eat of the lawful and good things God has provided for you, and be thankful for God’s blessings, if it is Him that you serve. From the above surah, it is concluded that God creates world and offer its…
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