If you are an entrepreneur, it can be a challenging road. Prayers provide creative guidance on how to start and manage a business. May these prayers for entrepreneurs encourage you during your journey.
Prayer 1 # for entrepreneurs to be successful
Dear Lord, as we come to you to bless callings as a way our people serve you in the world. Entrepreneurs are like artists, and possibly more than any other vocation have the chance to model what God wants, produce something out of nothing, give rise to structure out of disarray, and wish to call it good. ( To pray more see Prayer for blessings and favor)
Dear God, listen to our prayers for entrepreneurs and give them enough wisdom to manage their new business and their wealth, as we ask you from the bottom of our heart to accept their prayers for managing money. Lord, we thank you for those with the confidence, the risk forbearance, and the enthusiasm to create. We ask for your help with the unbelievable pressure and separateness that can come from this vocation as they dream about products and techniques, set plans, pursue funding, serve customers, build cultures, and find means to sustainability. We ask you, Heavenly Lord, to answer the entrepreneurs’ prayers for motivation to work because it is the key to their success. Amen.
Prayer 2 # for entrepreneurs to be strong
Lord, we ask for forgiveness for the specific areas of brokenness that can trouble entrepreneurism – such as confusing aspiration and sensibility, over-work, selfishness and greed, unnecessary tension, and dealing with people in a transactional manner. Please, Lord, listen to our prayers for entrepreneurs, and keep these workers from these traps and excuse them when they make their work their favorite and idol. My Lord, You know that Godly entrepreneurs want your permission and satisfaction in every step they take, so, bless them and the transactions they may make during their journey. That is why they beg you to accept their prayers for successful business transactions so, they can serve You in a better way. We pray for the motivated entrepreneurs and read for them prayers for motivation to work, and we wish your acceptance for them. Amen.
Prayer 3 # for entrepreneurs to have more customers
Lord, listen to our prayers for entrepreneurs because entrepreneurs have a great chance to bring salvation to the world in the way they respect people, places, and strategies to life. We ask for you to inspire the process they make. We ask that each entrepreneur see their effort as a way to love and honor you as they create. We wish all success for the entrepreneurs, and ask you, our Great God, not to reject our prayers for successful business Because when entrepreneurs become successful, they will bring development to our country. So, God, provide more customers for them and answer their prayers for profitable sales in a way that they earn a lot of money. Then give them the wisdom to manage the wealth as we set our prayers for managing money only for this reason. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen
Prayer 4 # for entrepreneurs to be blessed
Dear God, we grant our prayers for entrepreneurs to those entrepreneurs who work hard to succeed and bring growth to our businesses. ( To pray more see prayer for business growth)
We also read our prayers for business success in front of you, and wish You to grant them the success they deserve. Almighty God, entrepreneurs always work hard to make good transactions and deals to gain more profits. We hope you never disappoint them and you are always ready to accept their prayers for successful business transactions. You are all power and You can do everything, and what really need from you is to listen to our prayers for profitable sales for our Godly entrepreneurs. Amen.
Many clergies think the reason that prayers can bring success and prosperity is that they connects God’s power to us; on the other hand scientists think it has inductive powers. Whatever the reason is, it is obvious that prayers are effective. So Nevidya has offered many prayers which is scientific and can bring prosperity and abundance to your life. You just need to read the prayers, mentioned in each page of Nevidya. Follow the prayers you think you need more.
To know more
4 Prayers for financial blessings and restoration
Prayer for successful business transactions
3 morning prayers for financial miracles
3 Prayers for immediate financial blessings
prayers to dedicate our business to god