When it is time to go to university that is another challenge in most people’s lives, many would search for approached that contribute to being an excellent university student.
It is definitely up to you if you want to study hard and get good grades or not. If yes, you should consider some ways that can definitely help you to become excellent in university. Here, we are going to highlight a number of points that can guide you toward being a successful student.
Increase your motivation to study
Having motivation is not everything you need to be A-OK student but it is one of the essential factors. If you have enough motivation you will not quit when you face inconveniences and that is a good news!.
Motivation is not only effective for studding but also you can motivate yourself to make money. So, here we are going to bring some tips on how to boost our motivation.
a) Set goals.
Setting some productive goals is one of the easiest ways to increase your motivation. Setting both long- and short-term goals will help you to keep the end in sight. Just be sure that your goals are both realistic and challenging. Make sure you are meeting and getting the full benefit of them!
b) Set a schedule
By setting aside a certain amount of time, you will not only ensure that you have enough time to complete your assignments and study for your exams, but you will also begin to make studying a normal part of your daily routine.
And this is what most top students do to keep themselves motivated. It is also an undeniable part of every successful person plan to have a schedule ( see how to be successful in life).
c) Reward yourself
Each time you complete one of your study tasks or make a breakthrough on a tough subject, reward yourself. Get yourself whatever makes you feel good from buying a doughnut to log into your favorite game depending on your mood.
It is depressing to work really hard on something and feel like no one knows or appreciates all of the hard work you are doing. So rewarding yourself with a dinner out or a trip to your favorite place with your friends is a great way to show yourself some love.
succeeding in essay writing
Getting to know how to write essays well is one of the key steps toward being excellent in university which is also essential for your future career. ( see 10 tips any career to be successful)
Taking the time to properly plan an essay can lead to higher university grades. Once you learn how to write a great essay, you can apply the same techniques and formulas to almost any piece of academic writing, whether it is a standard essay, a reflective essay, a dissertation or thesis, a course assignment, coursework or something else. Here are some points in how to succeed in essay writing.
A. Plan and schedule and set deadline
For every writing essay you should set a proper time and have a strict schedule for how to write it and when to start. Otherwise you can be trapped in the university library for hours and also receive bad marks which can be so unpleasant as you also would lose your motivation. On your way to make an excellent university student, you should start planning your essay the moment you received the essay question.
By setting deadlines and committing to stick to them, you are ensuring that you will not be left with too much work right before your essay due time.
B. Read widely, and gather resources
Writing may be the core task, but reading is equally important. Before you start writing your essay, you should start to read from some relevant and authentic sources. Learning how to sift through a large amount of data is an important academic skill you should gain to succeed in university essay writing.
You should start by searching through databases like Google scholar. Once you find an article that sounds promising, read through the abstract to ensure that it is relevant and highlight information added to your knowledge.
C. Be critical
For a higher grade and show that you are a top student, you need to show that you are able to leverage critical reasoning in your dealing with academic materials. Critical thinking is what will make your essay stand out. It also builds your confidence which result in motivation to push you toward being excellent in university.
It shows the marker that you are not simply repeating the arguments that you were taught throughout your studies, but actually engaging with theories in an academic manner.
D. Evaluate what you have written
Once you wrote your first draft, leave it aside for a couple of hours if possible. When you return, edit its’ ideas and how you have organized your thoughts if you need to. You can have a careful look at some point like: Is your thesis or argument clear? Should you add more examples to prove your case? Did you conclude your essay well? And so on.
Having good study habits
This is another great factor for those who want to be an excellent university student. They apply these habits to all of their classes. Having a good studying habit contributes to be motivated all the time and be a productive student. Some most practical habits are mentioned as follow.
A. Try not to do too much studying at one time
If you try to study too much at one time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective, you also will lose your motivation. Divide the work you have to do to shorter parts. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy.
B. Again , have a schedule
Study time is any time you are doing something related to schoolwork. It can be completing an assigned university essay, working on a project, or studying for a test. Schedule specific times throughout the week for your study time and this is one of top rank habits for successful university student.
C. Set specific goals for your study times.
Goals can help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Having studying goals would also keep you motivated. Simply sitting down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study times.
In conclusion, if you want to be one of those top students in the university you should consider a number of factors to add to your study program. We selected some more important ones that are how to increase your motivation ,how to write a university essay successfully and what are the best studying habits for an excellent university students .
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