In the previous article, we talked about 6 real tips to get over your ex right now . In this article, we are going to explain the following tips that can complete the path of forgetting your former love.
Of course, as we pointed out in the previous article, you should keep in your mind that many relationships are worth to be fixed, and you should try to get back together with your ex at least for one last time before deciding to forget them for ever; Of course, this effort should be scientifically and correctly, not by begging or constant calling. The correct way to get your ex back is to motivate your ex to return without realizing that you have tried to do that. However, after you make sure that you have to forget your ex you should start to Forget about an ex you still love by these 7 practical tips.
But before reading this article we recommend you to read the first part of this article called 6 real tips to get over your ex right now. Then you can continue learning about how to move on by reading this article as part two: Forget about an ex you still love : 7 practical tips..
Meet new people
A great way to forget your former love is to meet new people and make new friends. Of course, not all of your new relationships need to be permanent, but finding new acquaintances will certainly help you to improve your mood. In addition, with the help of these new people, you can create new memories for yourself and replace old painful memories. In other words replacing and filling the mind with pleasant new memories is also an effective way to forget your ex. However to learn that you should study more about how to develop your social skills.
Remember that the purpose of this approach is not to replace a new person to forget your former love. Rather, the goal is for you to expand the scope of your social relationships to get out of the mood of frustration and depression. Under no circumstances should you enter into a new emotional relationship until the previous relationship has been forgotten completely.
get some spare time for yourself
As you make new acquaintances and make new friends, spare some time to enjoy your hobbies and activities on your own. To forget about an ex you still love, you should not fill all the moments of your loneliness by associating with others since if you do that you do not have the opportunity to think about yourselves. In fact, you should learn how to enjoy your life whiteout needing others.
Son’t look for new concerning your ex
Tips number 3 related to forgetting about an ex you still love is that you must stop hearing about your ex . In other words, you should not follow him on Facebook or other social networks, you should not ask your mutual friends about him and you should not call him with an unknown number.
Giving up on him means that you have to get rid of everything that reminds you of your ex, such as personal items, photos, souvenirs and gifts.
Give yourself time
Do not expect to forget ex quickly, because love is not forgotten overnight and you need time to do so. Even if it is hard to be tolerated, you should give yourself as much time as necessary to forget him, so that in the end you will either forget him or his memories will no longer bother you. Time is the most powerful healing medicine in issues related to forgetting something or someone.
Write him a letter but do not send it
Put all your feelings and emotions on paper while talking with your ex about anything you are upset about but don’t send it. If he has ended the relationship with you, tell him how much you have suffered from it.
Write down your good and bad memories and let go of all your negative emotions. This letter is for you and you do not need to send it to anyone. When the note is finished, read it once and then tear it up or keep it as reminder to always remember that how strong you were when you moved on from your ex.
Think about why your relationship needs to be ended
Why should you end this relationship? think about things that may force you to finish this relationship even if it is not you that ends the relationship. There should be some reason for that. Try to review them for yourself one more time.
When a relationship ends, it means that we did not feel satisfied and happy as we should. So the right thing to do is to end that relationship to prevent further psychological damage in the future.
If your emotional partner has left you for various reasons such as financial issues, infidelity, or even personal issues, still think to yourself. You will find that whatever their reasons were, they were definitely important to you rex, so that they left the relationship despite your best efforts. Although their action was immoral, as a human being your ex was allowed to make decisions for their own life. So do not blame anyone and think about how you can improve yourselves and your life to prevent this from happening again. When you changed, you can be sure that one day your ex realize that he or she lost a great valuable jewelry.
Remind yourself that you are strong
You may feel weak and vulnerable after separation from your lover and think that you can not stand the pain. But the fact is you have enough power; You just have to remind yourself of this from time to time. Sit down and write down some of the strengths and successes you have achieved in the past to show yourself that you can get through this difficult time.
Know that the day will come when you will be free from this pain and suffering. For example, you could write: “I am very stubborn to achieve what I deserve since with only one year of practicing, I was able to learn a new language. “I can definitely overcome this problem with the help of this stubbornness if I decide to forget my ex that I still love.”
You also need to bring back your lost confidence or self esteem by reading and learning more about most important tips to improve your self esteem.
Think of other serious relationships whenever you are ready
Think of new people when you feel better and your past emotional relationship is over. you deserve that. Remember to pay attention to the points that have always been important to you in your new relationship. Examine the criteria, values, and characteristics you expect from your future emotional partner and try not to repeat your past behavioral mistakes.
Try to learn more about psychology of love and follow many existed tips relate to make others fall in love with you and maintain a relationship healthy and strong. you can start learning about love by these 35 short easy techniques to make anyone fall in love with you.
Forgetting love is certainly difficult, but you can use techniques to get through this difficult process more easily. First of all, allow yourself to be upset. You do not need to play the role of strong people at all. Drain your emotions and cry as much as you like. Talking to a trusted friend can also make you feel better. This relationship is over, so do not try to restore it in any way if you decide to forget it. Do not check him on social media under any circumstances. Throw away his relics and forgive him. Try to strengthen the scope of your social relationships and pay more attention to your personal hobbies. Write down all your worries on a piece of paper and then tear it up. Remember that you have great power as a human being; So do not ignore them and think of new people and options whenever you are spiritually ready.
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